KT America, Inc.
마감 -296 일전  ( ~ 2024-04-26)
Marketing / Business Development Specialist, CA
KT America
Having led the telecommunications industry in Korea since late 19th century, Korea Telecom is now striving to improve welfare of Korean by providing enhanced telecommunications services. In addition to making high-quality telecommunications services possible domestically, Korea Telecom and its employees are working strenuously to be poised as a leading telecommunications company in the world with emphasis put on building intelligent information network, including high-speed wireless and satellite telecommunications network. Further, to fully capitalize telecommunications market liberalization into an opportunity to leapfrog as a global communications company, Korea Telecom continues to boost up its marketing activities to cultivate market all over the world.
Initially established as a liaison office at New York in 1990 to set foothold on one of the biggest and advanced telecommunications market, KT America was founded in 1993 to handle procurement business of Korea Telecom in North America, and to provide telecommunications services for Korean-American community. As well as corporations have business contacts with Korea located across the US. KT America is now expanding its services to provide customers variety of choices, thereby increasing its presence in the US. At the same time, KTAI is preparing itself to get in the Internet and corporate communication service market, the fastest growing sector in telecommunications market.
KTAI will do its best to provide its customers with diversified and high quality telecommunications services, including voice, internet and M2M Solutions that have access to every corner of the world. On the other hand, KTAI will commit itself to development of communities by broadening job opportunities and sharing the profits with communities.
채용 분야 및 인원: Marketing & Business Development/ 1명
2. Job Position
Marketing / Business Development Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities
Job Qualification
3. Working Condition
* Please submit Resume & Cover Letter in English or Korean
* Hiring Manager will make contact to selected/eligible candidates
* 신분 자격: 미국에서 기간에 관계없이 합법적으로 체류하며 근무할 수 있는 자
* 최종합격 후라도 제출된 서류의 내용이 사실과 다른 것으로 판단되는 경우에는 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.
Job Type: Full-time
문의: 213-215-0726
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(저작권자 ⓒ Job Guide USA 무단전재 - 재배포 금지)