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KT America, Inc.는 총 0건의 채용 진행 중입니다
KT America, Inc.
Based in Cerritos, KT America Inc., found in 1993, is a 100% owned by KT Corporation in South Korea. Since the establishment, KT America Inc. has been serving the major corporate customers over 20 years with excellence, providing network connections globally.

Currently managing entire network infrastructure in the US region including 13 PoPs in 7 major cities and submarine cables. With our presence in North America serving as a gateway to Korea reaching out to entire Asia utilizing our direct submarine cables connecting to 7 Data Centers across US/Canada major cities and other POPs globally, KT America is now expanding our services to provide customers not only communication service but also digital transformation services.

0 년도


Based in Cerritos, KT America Inc., found in 1993, is a 100% owned by KT Corporation in South Korea. Since the establishment, KT America Inc. has been serving the major corporate customers over 20 years with excellence, providing network connections globally.

Currently managing entire network infrastructure in the US region including 13 PoPs in 7 major cities and submarine cables. With our presence in North America serving as a gateway to Korea reaching out to entire Asia utilizing our direct submarine cables connecting to 7 Data Centers across US/Canada major cities and other POPs globally, KT America is now expanding our services to provide customers not only communication service but also digital transformation services.


업종 리테일·서비스 설립연도 0 년도
기업주소 12750 Center Court Dr. Suite 290 Cerritos CA 90703

채용정보 총 0건

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