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Autorica, LLC는 총 1건의 채용 진행 중입니다
Autorica, LLC
Autorica, located in Georgia, provides the premier performance and highest quality for automotive battery plant solution.

Our broad experiences allow us to maintain excellency in each and every project in that they are completed within reasonable costs and duration, conducted by a responsible project management team with outstanding warranty service.

Our projects include installation of Mixer Room, Coater Room, Solvent Recovery Purify (SRP), Charging / Discharging Rack & Stacker, Assembly Line and Conveyor Line as well as a variety of other equipment for battery plant & automotive plant needs. We also install piping (air, oil, gas and water) and electrical works.

2010 년도


Autorica, located in Georgia, provides the premier performance and highest quality for automotive battery plant solution.

Our broad experiences allow us to maintain excellency in each and every project in that they are completed within reasonable costs and duration, conducted by a responsible project management team with outstanding warranty service.

Our projects include installation of Mixer Room, Coater Room, Solvent Recovery Purify (SRP), Charging / Discharging Rack & Stacker, Assembly Line and Conveyor Line as well as a variety of other equipment for battery plant & automotive plant needs. We also install piping (air, oil, gas and water) and electrical works.


업종 경영·비즈니스 설립연도 2010 년도
기업주소 2915 Premiere Pkwy Ste175 Duluth GA 30097

채용정보 총 1건

모집내용 경력 / 학력 / 모집인원 UPDATE 마감일
USA / CANADA Multiple positions 0원 근무지역: 조지아 경력 무관
등록일 : 2024-11-12
수정일 : 미수정