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회사정보 상세보기 쪽지보내기 트위터로 보내기 싸이월드 공감 쪽지신고하기

LG ELECTRONICS Inc.는 총 1건의 채용 진행 중입니다
LG Electronics Inc. is a South Korean multinational major appliance and consumer electronics corporation headquartered in Yeouido-dong, Seoul, South Korea. LG Electronics is a part of LG Corporation, the fourth largest chaebol in South Korea, and often considered as the pinnacle of LG Corp with the group's chemical and battery division LG Chem. It comprises four business units: home entertainment, mobile communications, home appliances & air solutions, and vehicle components. LG Electronics acquired Zenith in 1995 and is the largest shareholder of LG Display, the world's largest display company by revenue in 2020.[citation needed] LG Electronics is also the world's second largest television manufacturer behind Samsung Electronics. The company has 128 operations worldwide, employing 83,000 people.[3]

1958 년도


LG Electronics Inc. is a South Korean multinational major appliance and consumer electronics corporation headquartered in Yeouido-dong, Seoul, South Korea. LG Electronics is a part of LG Corporation, the fourth largest chaebol in South Korea, and often considered as the pinnacle of LG Corp with the group's chemical and battery division LG Chem. It comprises four business units: home entertainment, mobile communications, home appliances & air solutions, and vehicle components. LG Electronics acquired Zenith in 1995 and is the largest shareholder of LG Display, the world's largest display company by revenue in 2020.[citation needed] LG Electronics is also the world's second largest television manufacturer behind Samsung Electronics. The company has 128 operations worldwide, employing 83,000 people.[3]


업종 생산·제조·운영·관리 설립연도 1958 년도
기업주소 알라바마주 - 헌츠빌

채용정보 총 1건

모집내용 경력 / 학력 / 모집인원 UPDATE 마감일
★LG ELECTRONICS★ 공장회계 경력직 필요 0원 근무지역: 앨라배마 경력 1~3년↑
등록일 : 2024-04-22
수정일 : 미수정