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Job Guide USA 마감 -37 일전  ( ~ 2024-08-01)

Machine Vision 엔지니어 구인

경력 경력 이상
학력 대학원졸업
고용형태 정규직
급여조건 면접후 결정
비자스폰 NO
복리후생 등록된 복리후생이 없습니다.
회사명 Job Guide USA
설립연도 0년
주소 Rancho Bernando
이메일 hr@jobguideusa.com


샌디에고에 있는 한국 중견 산업 안전 광학 장비 및 의료 기기제조 업체에서는

머신 비전 분야의 인재 를 구하고 있습니다. 


 Research and develop cutting-edge machine vision algorithms for camera calibration/stereo
vision/object detection/image processing
 Research and develop image processing software applications for medical products
 Design and develop machine vision inspection system software architecture
 Scalable machine vision and deep learning solutions to hard problems
 Investigate and solve exciting and difficult challenges in image denoising/segmentation, object
detection/tracking/reconstruction, 2D/3D inspection and deep learning
 Design, implement, and deploy full-stack machine vision / image-based deep learning solutions

 Master's degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or any other Machine Vision related
field plus relevant industry experience (required)
 Doctorate in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or any other Machine Vision related field plus
relevant industry experience(preferred)
 Strong C/C++ programming skills, preferably in optical/laser inspection system environment(preferred)
 Strong understanding of Machine vision and Deep learning algorithms and applications, and their
optimizations for efficient implementation on various products(preferred)
 Solid foundation in computer vision; key areas of interest include object detection and recognition,
object orientation, 2D/3D image processing, image data optimization, image denoising, image
segmentation, depth reconstruction(preferred)
 Ability to work individually or with a team of engineers to develop innovative Machine vision and
deep learning applications(preferred)

 Health/Dental/Vision/Life Insurance at no employee contribution (including dependent coverage)
 401K retirement plan
 Generous PTOs and paid holidays




근무 지역: 샌디에고   


관심 있는 분의 이력서 제출 기다리 겠습니다. 




업데이트: 2024년 7월 18일 / 현재 진행중



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(저작권자 ⓒ Job Guide USA 무단전재 - 재배포 금지)
