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NU, INC 마감 23 일전  ( ~ 2024-10-11)

NU, INC 성장하고 미래가 있는 회사에서 세일즈분/Office 직원 모십니다

경력 무관
학력 학력무관
고용형태 정규직
급여조건 면접 후 결정 정보없음
근무지역 뉴저지
비자스폰 NO
복리후생 등록된 복리후생이 없습니다.
회사명 NU, INC
업종 경영·비즈니스
설립연도 2016년
주소 134 Sand Park Rd, Cedar Grove, NJ 07009, USA
이메일 info@nuinc.co
홈페이지 https://www.nuinc.co

About NU, Inc.

NU, Inc. is a NY/NJ based distributor/wholesaler with concentration in organic, gluten free, raw, all natural, vegan, paleo, non GMO and other healthy products. With more than 10 years of professional experience in wholesale/distribution/ecommerce/brand development and growth/major chain store dealing as a broker both Domestic and International – Costco, Sam’s club, Stew Leonard, Wegmans, Whole Foods Market, Shop Rite, Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, Target, and Rite Aid, etc., We are the perfect partner for your business with trust.

Currently, we service most of the prominent supermarkets, organic stores, natural stores, gourmet markets and deli stores in NY Tri State, NJ, CT and PA area with more than 1,500+ stores in close relationship. We constantly perform a thorough market research to study and evaluate the types of healthy ingredients, plants, beverage, and natural foods which can be beneficial to build healthier lives and trendy enough for the target market. Then we help to build the brand and get well established in our lifestyle.


좋은 기회를 잡으실 세일즈분 모십니다



   NuEats, LLC, is an organic food brand geared towards chain retailers and online sales. 



오피스 직원 모십니다


Lots of opportunities to grow and learn quicky all aspects of business!

Looking for an office worker who is responsible and detail oriented.     

·        Data Analysis & Monthly Reports

·     Isssue Purchase Orders on existing vendors

·        Maintain Inventory and Warehouse

·        General Office Work

·        New Product Development

·        Brand Online Sales and Marketing





Email Resume




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(저작권자 ⓒ Job Guide USA 무단전재 - 재배포 금지)
