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Tropical Express Inc 마감 23 일전  ( ~ 2024-10-11)

Warehouse Sales Manager 구합니다

경력 경력 3-5년 이상
학력 학력무관
고용형태 정규직
급여조건 연봉 100k- 120k
근무지역 뉴욕
비자스폰 NO
건강관리지원 : 건강보험,401K등
회사명 Tropical Express Inc
업종 경영·비즈니스
설립연도 2015년
주소 526 Hunts Point Ave, Bronx, NY 10474, USA
이메일 hr@tropicalexpressinc.com


Tropical Express Inc is seeking to expand its territory and volume looking for Warehouse Sales Manager.


The warehouse sales manager will be responsible for directing managing the sales operations within our warehouse. Key responsibilities include both financial and operational elements of warehouse activities using Quickbook software. This position combines financial expertise with warehouse management capabilities to ensure precise record-keeping, smooth financial operations, and effective alignment between inventory control and accounting system.


많은 지원과 관심 부탁드립니다.


Please send your resume to hr@tropicalexpressinc.com



  • Manage and maintain QuickBooks software to accurately issue packing slips, invoices related to warehouse operations
  • In charge of managing sales orders, customers or vendors to keep track
  • Monitor and manage inventory levels, ensuring accurate recording of stock movements within QuickBooks
  • Coordinate with the warehouse team to ensure efficient stock management and minimize overstock or stockouts
  • Serve as the primary point of contact for financial inquiries related to warehouse operations
  • Manage delivery route based on sales orders by checking packing system and dispatching its orders



  • Proven experience managing QuickBooks in a warehouse or fast-paced environment
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite (Excel, Word, etc.) and other relevant software
  • Strong organizational skills and attention to detail
  • Possibility in working condition 4AM-3PM



  • Proficiency in English (Spanish Preferred)
  • Understanding of warehouse and logistics operations preferred
  • Ability to working as a team and an individual as well

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(저작권자 ⓒ Job Guide USA 무단전재 - 재배포 금지)
