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(주)효성 홀딩스 USA 상시채용  ( ~ 충원시)

Sales Manager 1명, Sales Coordinator 1명

경력 경력 이상
학력 대학교졸업(4년)
고용형태 정규직
급여조건 면접후 결정
비자스폰 온라인이력서접수
복리후생 등록된 복리후생이 없습니다.
회사명 (주)효성 홀딩스 USA
주소 38 Executive Park Irvine CA 92614

Hyosung Holdings USA 


Company Overview
Since its establishment in 1966, Hyosung has been playing a pivotal role in Korea's economic growth by numerous developments

of innovative products and creative technologies. Now operating in over 100 business sites in 29 countries, Hyosung is ever-growing

as a global leader to fulfill its philosophy of "Global Excellence".

Hyosung endeavors to provide better values in various business sectors like textile, industrial materials, chemicals, power &

industrial systems, construction, trading, and information & communication.

[Sales Manager]

• Sales of Steel and Other Hyosung Products

• ​Manage incoming Shipments and Shipping Documents

• ​Logistics Coordination

• ​New Customer Development

• ​Customer Account Management

Experience pertinent to the following area is a plus :
• ​Experienced or Knowledgeable in International Trading

• ​Minimum 4 Years of Experience in Steel Industry

• ​Posses a BA/BS Degree or more

• ​US Citizen or Permanent Resident

• ​Fluent in Both Korean & English

As a full-time employee, benefits include :
• ​PTO / 401K / Health / Dental / Vision

[Sales Coordinator/Administrative Assistant]

• ​Data Entry to ERP System

• ​Documentation

• ​Sales/Logistics Coordination

• ​General Administration

Preferred job qualifications are as follows :
• ​Posses a BA Degree or more

• ​Experienced in ERP System

• ​Experienced or Knowledgeable in Basic Import Process

• ​Organized to Handle Documentation

• ​US Citizen or Permanent Resident

• ​Fluent in Both Korean & English

As a full-time employee, benefits include :

• ​PTO / 401K / Health / Dental / Vision

Work LocationIrvine, CA 92614 until October/ San Diego, CA 92130 thereafter

**Please submit your resume to Sungmi.lee@us.hyosung.com

Thank you for your interest in Hyosung Holdings USA, Inc.

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본 정보는 Job Guide USA 의 동의없이 무단전재 또는 재배포, 재가공할 수 없으며, 게재된 채용기업과 채용담당자의 정보는 구직활동 이외의 다른 용도로 사용될 수 없습니다.
(저작권자 ⓒ Job Guide USA 무단전재 - 재배포 금지)
