메인페이지에서 문의

회사정보 상세보기 쪽지보내기 트위터로 보내기 싸이월드 공감 쪽지신고하기

해피나래는 총 1건의 채용 진행 중입니다
Ethical Management of Happynarae
Happynarae is trusted by society through fair and transparent business management activities and further aim to contribute to the happiness of the entire society.

As a sourcing & procurement service company founded by SK, Happynarae uses its entire revenue in supporting and connecting social enterprises to generate social value.

● Sourcing & procurement service business that reduces the cost of purchase for clients and increases efficiency and transparency in major industries such as semiconductors, IT, energy chemical, construction, and logistics (Global sourcing & procurement services implemented in Korea, China, Hungary, and United States)

● SOVAC Market, product competitiveness reinforcement project, sales route creation project including connection to external channels to sell the products of social enterprises

● Social venture project such as KAIST Social Entrepreneurship MBA, Impact Unicorn, and Impact Investment Fund to nurture social entrepreneurs and enterprises

● Happy alliance project by the combined force of companies, government, and individual donors to let no one go without a meal in Korea

● Social Value Connect project that expands the base of social value through connections such as SOVAC, Pro Bono, and SE Consultant

2000 년도


Ethical Management of Happynarae
Happynarae is trusted by society through fair and transparent business management activities and further aim to contribute to the happiness of the entire society.

As a sourcing & procurement service company founded by SK, Happynarae uses its entire revenue in supporting and connecting social enterprises to generate social value.

● Sourcing & procurement service business that reduces the cost of purchase for clients and increases efficiency and transparency in major industries such as semiconductors, IT, energy chemical, construction, and logistics (Global sourcing & procurement services implemented in Korea, China, Hungary, and United States)

● SOVAC Market, product competitiveness reinforcement project, sales route creation project including connection to external channels to sell the products of social enterprises

● Social venture project such as KAIST Social Entrepreneurship MBA, Impact Unicorn, and Impact Investment Fund to nurture social entrepreneurs and enterprises

● Happy alliance project by the combined force of companies, government, and individual donors to let no one go without a meal in Korea

● Social Value Connect project that expands the base of social value through connections such as SOVAC, Pro Bono, and SE Consultant


업종 무역·물류·운송·창고 설립연도 2000 년도
기업주소 Duluth GA

채용정보 총 1건

모집내용 경력 / 학력 / 모집인원 UPDATE 마감일
Business Development 분야에서 근무하실 분 구합니다. 면접 후 결정 근무지역: 덜루스 경력 ↑
등록일 : 2024-02-24
수정일 : 2024-08-07