Tamice Inc.는 총 1건의 채용 진행 중입니다 |
Tamice Inc. |
https://tamice.com |
Tamice is partnered with many leading attractions and shows such as Broadway Shows, Yankees, Empire State Building and etc. We offer these tickets at a discounted rate to the travelers worldwide. |
2014 년도 설립연도 |
Tamice is partnered with many leading attractions and shows such as Broadway Shows, Yankees, Empire State Building and etc. We offer these tickets at a discounted rate to the travelers worldwide.
업종 | 리테일·서비스 | 설립연도 | 2014 년도 |
기업주소 | 151 W 46th St, New York, NY 10036, USA |
모집내용 | 경력 / 학력 / 모집인원 | UPDATE | 마감일 |