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Koh Young Technology Inc.는 총 1건의 채용 진행 중입니다
Koh Young Technology Inc.
Koh Young Technology, founded in 2002 in Seoul, South Korea, is the world leader in 3D measurement
and inspection technology used in the production of micro-electronics assemblies. Using patented 3D
technology, Koh Young provides best-in-class products in Solder Paste Inspection(SPI) and Automated
Optical Inspection(AOI) for electronics manufacturers worldwide.
Currently, Koh Young is collaborating with top medical schools and hospitals in the US, Korea, and Japan
to develop innovative neurosurgical robot systems. With the core technologies developed in-house with
the innovation in accuracy, Koh Young is expected to deliver a breakthrough in the field of neurosurgical robots.

2002 년도


Koh Young Technology, founded in 2002 in Seoul, South Korea, is the world leader in 3D measurement
and inspection technology used in the production of micro-electronics assemblies. Using patented 3D
technology, Koh Young provides best-in-class products in Solder Paste Inspection(SPI) and Automated
Optical Inspection(AOI) for electronics manufacturers worldwide.
Currently, Koh Young is collaborating with top medical schools and hospitals in the US, Korea, and Japan
to develop innovative neurosurgical robot systems. With the core technologies developed in-house with
the innovation in accuracy, Koh Young is expected to deliver a breakthrough in the field of neurosurgical robots.


업종 생산·제조·운영·관리 설립연도 2002 년도
기업주소 10920 Via Frontera #540, San Diego, CA 92127

채용정보 총 1건

모집내용 경력 / 학력 / 모집인원 UPDATE 마감일
Human Resources Manager 100K~ 근무지역: 캘리포니아 경력 5-7년↑
등록일 : 2024-08-15
수정일 : 미수정