NU, Inc. is a NY/NJ based distributor / wholesalerwith concentration in organic,
gluten free, raw, all natural, vegan, paleo, non GMO and other healthy products.
With more than 10 years of professional experience in wholesale / distribution / ecommerce /
brand development and growth / major chain store dealing as a broker both Domestic and International – Costco,
Sam’s club, Stew Leonard, Wegmans, Whole Foods Market, Shop Rite, Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, Target, and Rite Aid, etc.,
NU, Inc. is the perfect partner for your business with trust.
성장하는 유기농 식품회사에서 아래와 같이 모십니다.
딜리버리 드리이버 모십니다
회사 201-917-9045
실장님 347-659-3540
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