안녕하세요. 당사는 국내 대기업의 미국 법인으로서 사세의 확장에 따른 인력을 충원 중에 있습니다.
Job Title: Sales Account Cordinator (대기업 구매 대행/ MRO)
위치: 테네시 주 Spring Hill
업무: •Maximize revenue for designated account package by growing sales within existing accounts, developing new accounts at a level consistent with or exceeding company expectations •Understand customer needs and remains alert and responsive to changing customer needs •Ability to develop pricing scheme based on adherence to company sales and pricing guidelines •Discuss and handle potential replacement items in order to maximize customers’ cost saving •Demonstrate appropriate knowledge of the customers’ services and market information to create business strategies and respond to new developments in customers’ business
연봉: 전 직장 대비 상향 조정 기본
자격: 대졸자로서 미국내 합법적 근무 가능 하신 분 메니저 (3년 이상 세일즈 분야 경력자) / 신입 -대리급 ( 경력은 없어도 새로운 일에 도전 의식 강한 분)
-Business acumen around sales forecasting, opportunity management and customer planning -Technological capabilities and understanding to communicate in today’s business environment, and bring to closure an action, project, resolution or sales with customers -Ability to align planning goals with a pipeline development process to develop market revenue -Excellent communication skills and openness towards working with customer and partners -Ability to uncover customer objections/concerns, and determine appropriate solutions
처우 : 각종 의료 보험 및 401K 제공
이력서 지원 이메일 주소: kyojoon55@gmail.com
감사 합니다.