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Sempio Food Services, Inc는 총 1건의 채용 진행 중입니다
Sempio Food Services, Inc
Sempio was established in 1946, with its name standing as the oldest registered brand in Korea. Since the beginning, the company has been dedicating itself to manufacturing fermented food products – mainly soy based sauces – which are essential in the field of Korean cuisine. The quality and taste of the products are what gained our reputation as the country’s number one household brand.

Remaining faithful to the philosophy of its founder, “I will never produce or sell products that my family would not eat,” Sempio puts special emphasis on food safety and health. This led Sempio to a number of quality and safety certification, most of them qualified for the first time in this field.

Sempio seeks to contribute better values to a tastier and healthier lifestyle. For this the company established Korea’s first R&D center that specializes in fermentation and actively collaborates with influential professionals in this area.

Internationally, we export to over 76 countries throughout the globe, with branch offices strategically placed in the most influential countries in the culinary field: the United States, China and Spain. From these branches we maintain close relationship with local chefs to research ways to promote a more dynamic food culture.

Our mission is to continue exploring knowledge on different food cultures, in order to develop products that would help expand everybody’s culinary horizons.

1946 년도


Sempio was established in 1946, with its name standing as the oldest registered brand in Korea. Since the beginning, the company has been dedicating itself to manufacturing fermented food products – mainly soy based sauces – which are essential in the field of Korean cuisine. The quality and taste of the products are what gained our reputation as the country’s number one household brand.

Remaining faithful to the philosophy of its founder, “I will never produce or sell products that my family would not eat,” Sempio puts special emphasis on food safety and health. This led Sempio to a number of quality and safety certification, most of them qualified for the first time in this field.

Sempio seeks to contribute better values to a tastier and healthier lifestyle. For this the company established Korea’s first R&D center that specializes in fermentation and actively collaborates with influential professionals in this area.

Internationally, we export to over 76 countries throughout the globe, with branch offices strategically placed in the most influential countries in the culinary field: the United States, China and Spain. From these branches we maintain close relationship with local chefs to research ways to promote a more dynamic food culture.

Our mission is to continue exploring knowledge on different food cultures, in order to develop products that would help expand everybody’s culinary horizons.


업종 식당·델리·식음료 설립연도 1946 년도
기업주소 12928 Moore St. Cerritos CA 90703

채용정보 총 1건

모집내용 경력 / 학력 / 모집인원 UPDATE 마감일
Supply Chain Manager (TBD) 60K~ $70K 근무지역: 캘리포니아 경력 무관
등록일 : 2024-04-22
수정일 : 미수정