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동희 아메리카는 총 0건의 채용 진행 중입니다
동희 아메리카
DONGHEE, which has been dedicated to the automobile parts business since 1972, has been along with our customers in their driving through our products such as suspension,, fuel tank, roof system, pedal, body, axle housing and electronic products. DONGHEE is also engaged in assembly production for compact cars such as Morning and Ray in the complete car sector. DONGHEE also operates the distribution and service business for the quality certified used cars from Hyundai and Kia Motors. In addition, toward the goal of securing original technology, DONGHEE is fully committed to the development of power module parts and light-weighted new material parts that will be applied to the future automobiles. 3% of salts keeps the sea from going rotten. To provide more affluent driving environment for the customers, a company has to have confidence in quality and technology as well as put more efforts. DONGHEE, heading toward the goal of "Guide the Vehicles". will become the salt in automobile industry. 1972 (주)동희정공 설립. 현대자동차의 포니 범퍼 및 페달 생산 개시 (Busan Plant in Korea) 1986 (주)동희산업 설립. 서스펜션모듈, 연료탱크모듈 생산개시(Ulsan Plant in Korea)

0 년도


DONGHEE, which has been dedicated to the automobile parts business since 1972, has been along with our customers in their driving through our products such as suspension,, fuel tank, roof system, pedal, body, axle housing and electronic products. DONGHEE is also engaged in assembly production for compact cars such as Morning and Ray in the complete car sector. DONGHEE also operates the distribution and service business for the quality certified used cars from Hyundai and Kia Motors. In addition, toward the goal of securing original technology, DONGHEE is fully committed to the development of power module parts and light-weighted new material parts that will be applied to the future automobiles. 3% of salts keeps the sea from going rotten. To provide more affluent driving environment for the customers, a company has to have confidence in quality and technology as well as put more efforts. DONGHEE, heading toward the goal of "Guide the Vehicles". will become the salt in automobile industry. 1972 (주)동희정공 설립. 현대자동차의 포니 범퍼 및 페달 생산 개시 (Busan Plant in Korea) 1986 (주)동희산업 설립. 서스펜션모듈, 연료탱크모듈 생산개시(Ulsan Plant in Korea)


업종 생산·제조·운영·관리 설립연도 0 년도
기업주소 1500 Pumphrey Avenue Auburn AL 36832

채용정보 총 0건

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