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Logos Logistics, Inc.는 총 0건의 채용 진행 중입니다
Logos Logistics, Inc.
Logos Logistics Inc. is providing logistics service such as 3PL, motor carrier, and warehousing since 2008 in Michigan base. The company has a couple of subsidiary companies which are independently incorporated in different locations. Logos and subsidiary are expanding business and recruiting for this position

0 년도


Logos Logistics Inc. is providing logistics service such as 3PL, motor carrier, and warehousing since 2008 in Michigan base. The company has a couple of subsidiary companies which are independently incorporated in different locations. Logos and subsidiary are expanding business and recruiting for this position


업종 SCM·포워딩·운송·창고 설립연도 0 년도
기업주소 16490 Wahrman Rd Romulus MI 48174

채용정보 총 0건

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