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FNS, INC. 마감 9 일전  ( ~ 2024-12-21)

FNS, Inc. 서 Warehouse Operation Specialist담당자를 모집합니다.

경력 무관
학력 학력무관
고용형태 정규직
급여조건 면접 후 결정 정보없음
근무지역 텍사스
비자스폰 NO
건강관리지원 : 건강보험,401K등
회사명 FNS, INC.
업종 경영·비즈니스
설립연도 1995년
주소 450 Freeport Pkwy, Coppell, TX 75019
이메일 eric.ko@fnsusa.com
홈페이지 http://www.fnsusa.com
모집 분야: 모로우 창고 운영 전문가 (1), 애틀랜타 창고 운영 전문가 (1)


근무형태: 정규직 (FT)
위치: 애틀랜타, GA


  • 매일 감독자로부터 업무 지시를 받습니다.
  • 수신된 화물, 주문 처리 및 발송으로 시스템을 업데이트합니다.
  • 매일 고객으로부터 받은 주문을 처리합니다.
  • 발송의 정확성을 확인하고 발송 결과 보고서를 제공합니다.
  • 일일 주문을 관리하고 창고 임시 직원 간의 업무를 배분하여 효율적으로 작업합니다.
  • 고객 계정 및 창고 운영을 위해 동료 및 창고 임시 직원과 조율합니다.
  • 매일 고객에게 발송된 주문을 보고합니다.
  • 팀 및 고객과 소통합니다.

우대 자격
  • 팀 플레이어이며 독립적으로도 잘 작업할 수 있는 사람
  • 긍정적이고 친근한 태도
  • 존중하며 자발적이고 배우려는 의지가 있는 사람
  • 효과적으로 소통할 수 있는 능력
  • 재고에 대한 이해
  • 재고 추적, 보관 기록 관리 및 라벨 생성(엑셀, 아웃룩 사용 능력)
  • 한국어/영어 이중언어 구사 가능자 우대

복리후생 (정규직만 해당)
  • 건강, 치과 및 시력 PPO 보험
  • 생명보험, 단기 및 장기 장애 보험
  • 401(K) 플랜
  • 유급 휴가
  • 추가 유급 휴가 (조문, 결혼, 출생 등)
  • 근속 연수 포상
  • 교육 지원 프로그램 (자격 기준에 따라)


Morrow Warehouse Operation Specialist


Job Type: Full Time, on-site
Location: Atlanta, GA
- Receive work assignments from the supervisor on a daily basis
- Update systems with received freight, order processing, and shipments.
- Process orders that are received from customers on a daily basis
- Check shipments for accuracy and providing reports of shipment results
- Work efficiently by managing daily orders and delegating work between warehouse temporary employees
- Coordinate with co-workers and warehouse temporary staff for customer accounts and warehouse operations
- Report orders that are shipped out to customers on a daily basis
- Communicate with teams and customers
- Ensure that all daily housekeeping duties are completed daily.

Preferred Qualifications
- A team player who also works well independently
- Positive and friendly attitude
- Respectful and self- motivated, willing to learn
- Ability to communicate effectively
- Understanding of inventory
- Ability to use computers to track inventory, track storage records, and create labels (MS Excel, MS Outlook)
- Korean/English bilingual a big plus


Benefits (Full-Time ONLY)

- Health, Dental, and Vision PPO Insurance

- Life, STD, LTD Insurance
- 401(K) Plan
- Paid Time Off
- Additional Paid time off (Bereavement, Wedding, Birth of a Child, etc.)
- Years of Service Awards
-Education Assistant Program (Based on Eligibility)


Apply through the link:https://www.fnsusa.com/job-openings-2/?gh_jid=4406946006

or send the resume at joseph.torres@fnsusa.com


Company Overview


Since its inception in 1995, FNS has been focused on providing the best total logistics services by implementing our core values: trust, communication, team play, challenge, and balance. Through trust, we can be a logistics partner that customers trust with a diverse group that works together based on a strong, unified belief. By communicating with and accommodating the voices of customers and co-workers we can deliver the best services. Our team play is enhanced by the appreciation and cooperation with each other with a focus on a singular goal. Challenging the status quo and innovating, FNS is unafraid of failure and strives to develop and improve our processes. Work-life balance strives to provide individuals with happiness to achieve and grow together.


For 2025, we have set out to become one of the nations top 25 logistics companies with more than $1,500M in sales, with the best employee and customer satisfaction, and a network of over 100 different partners.


To achieve our goals, there is an emphasis on three traits of work. We promote a family-like working environments allow us to help promote every members work-life balance, allowing us to develop cooperation and care for one another like family. We are nominated by our customers whom we can grow with based on a trusting relationship between our services and our customers. We specialize fields of work where professionals can nurture their talent, and we focus on every members work-life balance so that members may cooperate and care for each other like family. Our core values are integral to the success and growth of FNS.


To Discover more, please visit our website at http://www.fnsusa.com

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(저작권자 ⓒ Job Guide USA 무단전재 - 재배포 금지)
