마감 8 일전  ( ~ 2024-12-20)
Franchise Operations Support Coordinator
JEI Learning Centers, LLC is a leading global provider of supplementary education programs through its network of franchised learning centers.
JEI is seeking a full-time franchise operations support coordinator to work out of its North American Headquarters based in Los Angeles, CA.
Primary Responsibilities, but not limited to:
Required Skills:
JEI is one of the world's leading supplemental education service providers offering a variety of highly individualized, step-by-step enrichment programs for students ages 4-14. Since 1977, JEI has helped millions of students achieve a higher level of learning and currently operates 500 centers worldwide. The US operations of JEI currently oversees over 60 learning centers and is looking to expand through its growing network of
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(저작권자 ⓒ Job Guide USA 무단전재 - 재배포 금지)