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원익 홀딩스 상시채용  ( ~ 충원시)

Senior / Field Service Engineer 구함

경력 경력 3-5년 이상
학력 대학교졸업(4년)
고용형태 정규직
급여조건 면접후 결정
비자스폰 이메일접수
건강관리지원 : 건강보험,401K등
회사명 원익 홀딩스
업종 반도체/ 이차 전지
설립연도 1991년
주소 Austin, Texas
이메일 hgsong@wonik.com
홈페이지 https://www.wonikholdings.kr



Position 1 : Senior Engineer 


General Duties: Interact with customers to resolve a wide range of complex process engineering issues/problems.



- Support to get approval fire protection on customer's site
- Lead the management of site wide EHS program
- Handling Issues & VOC


Requirements(Essential) & Preferred Qualifications

- Engineering licensure (FE)
- Education : Bachelor's degree in engineering
- 2-4 years of work experience in Semiconductor/ Display industry
- Semiconductor facility, equipment site certification experience
- Familiar with Microsoft Excel, Power Point and Word


[Preferred Qualifications]
- Engineering licensure (PE)
- Experienced in responding to field certification for Samsung Semiconductor facilities and equipment in Austin, USA
- Experience in working Gas/ Chemical industry
- Degree in a technical field
- Ability to read electrical schematics
- Good communication skills



Position 2 : Field Service Engineer 


General Duties: Ensure customer satisfaction with installation, troubleshooting, repair,

                   preventive maintenance, system upgrades, etc. of all Gas Supply Systems.



- Gas Supply System set-up & maintenance
- Interpretation & technical document translation.
- Handling issues & VOC


Requirements(Essential) & Preferred Qualifications
- Language proficiency: English, Korean(speak/read/write)
- Education: High school diploma or equivalent


[Preferred Qualifications]
- 2-4 years of work experience in Semiconductor/ Display industry
- Experience in working Gas/ Chemical industry
- Associate degree in a technical field
- Ability to read electrical schematics
- Ability to exhibit accountability, drive for results & decision making
- Familiar with Microsoft Excel and Power point


Position3: Office Administrator


General Duties: Organizational management support, administrative support.



- Budget, accounting management and electronic update
- Purchasing and Inventory Management
- Office operation and telephone and e-mail response


- Language proficiency: English, Korean(speak/read/write)
- Education: High school diploma or equivalent
- Familiar with Microsoft Excel and Power point
- Experience in working Accounting/Funds


[Preferred Qualifications]
- License holder of Microsoft office
- Experienced in using ERP software
- Short distance residents




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(저작권자 ⓒ Job Guide USA 무단전재 - 재배포 금지)
