• Enhances the organization's human resources by planning, implementing, and evaluating employee relations and human resources policies, programs, and practices.
• Maintains the work structure by updating job requirements and job descriptions for all positions.
• Assists a pay plan by conducting periodic pay surveys; scheduling and conducting job evaluations; preparing pay budgets; monitoring and scheduling
individual pay actions; and recommending, planning, and implementing pay structure revisions.
• Implements employee benefits programs and informs employees of benefits by studying and assessing benefit needs and trends; recommending benefit programs
to management; directing the processing of benefit claims; obtaining and evaluating benefit contract bids; awarding benefit contracts, and designing and conducting
educational programs on benefit programs.
• Ensures legal compliance by monitoring and implementing applicable human resource federal and state requirements, conducting investigations, maintaining records,
and representing the organization at hearings.
• Enforces management guidelines by preparing, updating, and recommending human resource policies and procedures.
• Retains historical human resource records by designing a filing and retrieval system and keeping past and current records.
• Completes human resource operational requirements by scheduling and assigning employees and following up on work results.
• Assisting human resource managers by recruiting, selecting, orienting, and training employees.
• Bachelor's degree from a four-year college or university or similar work experience required
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