구인 아틀란타/조지아온라인에 브랜드 운동화, 옷 등 파는 회사에서 컴퓨터에 능숙한 데이타 엔트리 구합니다.
BY GZM2021-04-23 15:22:20
온라인에 브랜드 운동화, 옷 등 파는 회사에서
컴퓨터에 능숙한 데이타 엔트리 구합니다.
Looking for someone who are good with computer.
Must be able to type 65+ WPM and be able to sit in front of the computer most of the day entering various data.
You will be responsible for making company purchases of goods and be able to manage and sell inventories on Amazon platform.
College degree is not required and PC gamers are welcome. Related experience is not required but you must have good Excel knowledge.
Part time and full time is available. M to F 9 to 5.