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채용 정보 상세보기 쪽지보내기문의하기 프린트 트위터로 보내기 싸이월드 공감 쪽지신고하기 수정 삭제
Job Guide USA 마감 8 일전  ( ~ 2024-04-25)

마케팅 메니저 구합니다. (샌 디에고/ 최대 140K )

경력 경력 이상
학력 대학교졸업(4년)
고용형태 정규직
급여조건 면접 후 결정 정보없음
근무지역 캘리포니아 샌디에고전체
비자스폰 NO
건강관리지원 : 건강보험,401K등
회사명 Job Guide USA
주소 샌디에고 USA
이메일 hr@jobguideusa.com


당사는  산업 장비 검사 장비 및 로봇 의료 기기 제조업체로서  샌디에고에 미국 본사를 두고 있습니다.
사세의 확장에 따라 마케팅 메니저를 구하고 있습니다.  많은 관심 부탁 드립니다.

근무 형태: 온 사이트 ( 하이브리드 고려 가능)
연봉: 100K -140K (경력에 따라 다를 수 있음)

Strategic Planning and Campaign Management:
• Develop comprehensive marketing communication plans aligned with overall business objectives and product strategies.
• Create and manage campaigns across multiple channels (digital, print, events) to promote  medical products effectively.
• Monitor and analyze campaign performance metrics, preparing regular reports to evaluate effectiveness and suggest improvements.

Content Development and Brand Messaging:
• Lead the creation of compelling content, including brochures, websites, press releases, and
  presentations, ensuring alignment with brand messaging and positioning.
• Collaborate with cross-functional teams to develop consistent and impactful messaging for various target audiences.
  Collaboration with Sales and Product Teams:
• Work closely with sales teams to develop sales enablement materials, presentations, and tools

supporting product launches and promotions.
• Collaborate with product management and R&D teams to understand product features and benefits,
translating them into effective communication strategies.

Event Management and Trade Shows:
• Plan, coordinate, and execute participation in industry trade shows, conferences, and events to showcase products and enhance brand visibility.
• Manage pre-event and post-event communication strategies to maximize impact and engagement.

Requirements and skills
• Bachelor's degree in marketing, communications, or related field.
• Proven experience (5+ years) in marketing communications, preferably in the medical device or healthcare industry.
• Strong understanding of marketing principles, branding, and strategic communication planning.
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills with the ability to create impactful content.
• Strategic thinker with the ability to analyze market trends and develop innovative marketing strategies.
• Ability to work collaboratively in a cross-functional environment.
• English – Korean bilingual is highly desirable

연락처: HR@jobguideusa.com

근무지: 샌 디에고  / CA


현재 진행중 

날짜: Mar 26.2024 업데이트 

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(저작권자 ⓒ Job Guide USA 무단전재 - 재배포 금지)
